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Surprise Appears in the Sky Over Buckingham Palace As People Gather to Mourn Together the Passing of Queen Elizabeth

The heartbreaking news from Buckingham Palace came just hours after the news that Queen Elizabeth was feeling bad. Now a new surprise appears in the sky.

The surprise appeared just over Buckingham Palace after she passed away. It shows a double rainbow while people gathered around the palace to mourn her.

Another surprise appeared over Windsor Castle as well, while people gathered to mourn her.

BREAKING NEWS 08.09.2022: Devastating news from Buckingham Palace was revealed about Queen Elizabeth II being in bad health.

Now it is confirmed, that at 96 years old, the longest reigning British monarch has passed away. She died peacefully at her Balmoral castle this afternoon, as the palace confirms.

The King and The Queen Consort will remain there tonight and will return to London tomorrow.

Queen Elizabeth

Previous update: On September 6, Queen Elizabeth met with the new Prime Minister of the United Kingdom Liz Truss, and now everyone is concerned about her.

As new reports update, the Queen is in Scotland under very strict medical supervision. She is resting in Balmoral castle, as the statement was released by Buckingham Palace today.

See also: Buckingham Palace Issues Statement After Reports Reveal Concern For The Queen

The doctors are concerned for the Queen’s health and are recommending she remains under supervision.

Queen Elizabeth is a living legend that has broken many histories and now she turned 96 years old. 

She chose to celebrate her birthday in a peculiar way. The Queen has been reigning for more than 70 years and she isn’t stopping. 

These last two years have been very busy and difficult for her, from the passing away of Philip, to lockdown and Charles and Meghan leaving the Royal family. 

When Philip died, he was just a few months away from his 100th birthday. He left a deep sorrow and a huge hole in the heart of the Queen. 

She avoided high-profile the past few months and rarely attends public events. She decided to be as close as possible to her late husband on her birthday. 

Sandringham is so special for the Queen and Prince Philip as it holds so many memories for them and for the royal family. 

Her Majesty is feeling well and is enjoying the break and celebrating her birthday. 

She was last seen outside during the funeral and canceled important events and it was the first time in 50 years she missed such important events. This made everyone worried about her health. 

To lose your loved ones is very difficult for anyone including Queen Elizabeth II after she lost her husband of 74 years.

Queen Elizabeth

An expert said that the Queen will be stepping back from her royal duties gradually.
In fact, shortly after his death, she is back to work, putting a brave face on her virtual audiences.

Queen Elizabeth

Her duties are to be short-lived. In this time she will be preparing to step back, as a royal expert says.

It is unlikely that she will return to her busy meetings schedule, receptions, and garden parties.

Possibly Prince Charles will have to take on extra duties. Prince Philip has given advice to him on how to lead the royal family.

The Queen is stacked with other tragedies after the devastating death of Prince Philip

Queen Elizabeth

She is through a tough time this year and everyone is concerned about her.

The Queen is mourning the loss of her dog, Fergus, a 5 months puppy. After the death of Vulcan the Dorgi. Her Majesty’s side has remained just Candy. Vulcan died at Windsor, the loyal companion of The Queen was a Corgi-Dachshund cross. 

In fact, we do not know why Dorgi died or how old was. He has been by The Queen’s side since 2007.

This has been a blow to the monarch, being left with one remaining animal, Candy. 

For Her Majesty, this is a great loss because she adores her dogs.

She had more than 30 Corgis during her reign. 

Her dogs always lived in her Windsor apartments or in Buckingham Palace. She always liked to feed them by herself. Even now in her age, she walks them by herself.

Her love for dogs has helped her to keep fit in this age, according to the Duke of York.

Fergus was a present from Prince Andrew for the Queen after the death of Prince Philip, to help her through grieving.

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