
How Eggplants Earned Their Name: A Surprising History Behind This Unique Vegetable

The eggplant, often eaten in savory dishes, is a fruit that can be prepared in a variety of ways. However, have you ever considered why it’s called an eggplant when it looks nothing like an egg? A viral photo on Reddit has shed some light on this naming mystery. The picture shows the eggplant in its early stages when it looks like a small, white egg before it matures into the long, purple fruit we know and love.

In addition to the traditional purple eggplant, there is also a variety of eggplant known as the white eggplant or white aubergine. This type of eggplant is less common and has a creamy white color, with a milder and fruitier taste compared to the traditional purple eggplant. When it comes to cooking, eggplant can be grilled, roasted, sautéed, fried, or baked, and it takes on the flavors of whatever it’s combined with. However, it’s important not to overcook it, as it can become mushy.

White eggplants are not as widely available as purple eggplants but can be found in specialty markets or through online seed catalogs for home gardeners. When cooking white eggplants, it’s recommended to peel the thick skin off before eating because of its texture. On the other hand, the thinner skin of purple eggplant can be eaten.

The origins of the eggplant can be traced back to a Chinese book on agriculture from 544. However, it was European farmers in the 1700s who named it because of its resemblance to small white or yellow eggs at the time, reminding them of goose or duck eggs. While the naming of the eggplant may still be a mystery, its versatility in cooking and unique taste make it a beloved fruit around the world.

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