In 2018, Melanie Dudley was dining out with friends and her three-month-old son when the baby needed to be breastfed. The restaurant was hot, and despite being discreet, Melanie was asked to cover up by a man at a nearby table.

She agreed to cover up but not in the way the man expected. Melanie was on vacation in Cabo San Lucas, so she took off the cover because it was too hot, and instead, she placed it over her head. This made the man stop talking, and the restaurant burst out laughing. A photo of Melanie went viral on Facebook, and many people praised her for standing up for her rights.

Breastfeeding in public is still a controversial issue, but mothers should have the right to feed their children wherever they need to. Melanie’s response to the man who told her to hide has sparked further discussion about the importance of breastfeeding and the continued judgment faced by mothers who do what comes naturally to their bodies.