Walmart is great to find anything you need for your everyday life, but the real thing is there are the people you meet.
If you need more proof of what we are saying, check out these photos from people that wander there.
Conga line
Nana slicer, this isn’t funny for nana.
Oh c’mon
Just let me rest a little
I said let me rest!
Free rides are the best
Oh God
Donut boy
Trips to Walmart be like;
Stocking for Christmas time
A lot going on here
The kitty and the dog
Superman joined forces
Doggy Cool
Rey Mysterio Baby
How to sort that hair
The guy from math problems
I will just pass on that.
Hairstyle ideas? We have everything
While listening to Rihanna
Oh boy
I would love to pull that tail
Lowprice wedding.
What do you think about these photos? Pick your favorite. Share your thoughts in the comments on Facebook.