This is the love story of Matt and Dyana. They were friends since they were children. Their love was very great. They were happy with each other and decided to create a family. The culmination of their love was crowned with their little daughter Luella, who was born a while ago.
Their story became viral after Dyana shared on Facebook a photo of her daughter and her husband sleeping in bed. Her photo was reposted several times. Next to the photo, she wanted to give a touching message to all her followers.
She shared on her account, the inspiring story of her life. She writes that she is lucky for her husband. The little girl has started to lose her first teeth and she feels a lot of pain.
But since this is normal for babies, they tried not to complain for their daughter.
When Dyana woke up, she saw her husband with tears in his eyes. He was very excited and was crying next to their baby. Matt loved their family very much. He gave his life for his wife and daughter. Matt and Dyana had gone to the church and talked to the pastor.

He had told him the stories of orphaned children who sought the love and attention of their parents. This greatly affected the young couple. They promised that they would never avoid the needs of children. Babies need their parents, so the couple was very moved by the stories of the orphaned children.
That’s why Matt would go to his daughter’s bed at night and watch over her while she slept if she needed him. Matt was very much in love with his wife. He thanked her and always expressed his love for the most beautiful gift she had given him, their daughter.
What do you think about that? Share your thoughts in the comments on Facebook.