
Little Boy With Terminal Cancer Writes His Own Obituary For Parents To Find

Garrett, a brave 5-year-old boy, faced a terminal illness with remarkable strength and a sense of humor that touched everyone around him. Despite enduring painful treatments, Garrett’s infectious smile and optimism never waned. His parents, Ryan and Emilie Matthias accompanied him every step of the way, providing comfort and support during his final days.

Aware of their son’s condition, Garrett’s parents engaged in honest conversations about death, ensuring he wasn’t scared. Incredibly, Garrett wrote his own obituary, reflecting his vibrant personality. He listed his favorite things, from superheroes like Batman and Thor to playing with his sister and indulging in Legos. His dislike for pants, cancer, and needles demonstrated his candid nature.

In his unique obituary, Garrett expressed his desire to be cremated and turned into a tree so that he could live as a gorilla in it. He wished for a lively Celebration of Life, complete with bouncy houses, Batman, and snow cones. The family planned a symbolic Asgardian burial ceremony and fireworks to honor Garrett’s final wishes.

Emilie and Ryan Matthias acknowledged the support received throughout Garrett’s journey and encouraged donations to organizations that had helped them, such as The Little Al Foundation and The Pink Tractor Foundation. They expressed gratitude for the medical professionals, musicians, artists, and volunteers who worked tirelessly to fight cancer.

Despite enduring nine challenging months, Garrett never lost his sense of humor. His playful pranks and teasing of doctors and nurses brought joy to those around him. He left a lasting impression with his catchphrase, “See ya later, suckas! – The Great Garrett Underpants.”

While coping with the grief of losing their beloved son, Emilie and Ryan will forever cherish Garrett’s positive and funny spirit. They vowed to fight for a cure, ensuring that no child’s childhood is stolen by cancer and that no more parents have to bury their babies.

Garrett’s story serves as a reminder to appreciate life’s simple joys and to approach challenges with resilience and humor. His brief time on Earth left a profound impact on those who knew him, and his legacy will continue to inspire others.

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