
In The North, Some People Live In Barrels. What Do Their Homes Look Like Inside?

In the northern regions of Russia, life is very different from the rest of the country. The cold is extreme, the landscapes are vast and empty, and even the way people live is unique.

One of the strangest things you can find there is people living in metal barrels—yes, actual barrels that were once used for transporting sea cargo.

This unusual tradition began with shift workers—people who traveled to these remote areas for work and needed shelter. Since there weren’t many housing options, they adapted whatever they could find, including these large metal containers.

Over time, when the workers left, the barrel homes remained. Local residents, who didn’t have apartments or proper houses, moved in and made them their own.

From the outside, these barrel homes don’t look very nice. They are large, round, and made of metal, making them seem more like storage tanks than houses. However, the people who live in them have done their best to turn them into cozy homes. Some have installed double-glazed windows, insulated floors, and even modern interiors.

When you step inside one of these barrel homes, the space is limited, but it is organized. There is usually a small hallway at the entrance, followed by a kitchen and two connected rooms.

Because of the barrel’s round shape, it is nearly impossible to create separate rooms with walls, so everything is open. This makes privacy a challenge, but the residents have learned to live with it.

One of the biggest difficulties of living in a barrel home is staying warm. The extreme cold of the North makes it very hard to heat these metal structures properly. If the heating system isn’t well-designed, one side of the home can be warm while the other remains freezing.

Some people find ways to fix this problem, installing heating systems that keep the entire space comfortable. Others simply wear thick clothes indoors and use extra blankets during the harsh winters.

Despite these challenges, many Northerners have managed to create a warm and inviting atmosphere inside their barrel homes. They decorate them with furniture, carpets, and even small decorations to make the space feel more like a real home.

To outsiders, living in a barrel might seem strange, uncomfortable, or even impossible. But for those who call these places home, it’s simply a way of life. They have adapted to their environment, turning something unusual into something practical and even cozy.

So, the next time you think about what makes a home, remember the people in the North—living comfortably in metal barrels, proving that with creativity and determination, you can make a home anywhere.

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