Actress Hilary Swank has announced her pregnancy and this news has delighted her friends and followers. But recently the 48-year-old actress gave the news that she will be the mother of twins. Swank has greeted everyone through a post where she writes that she will give birth to twins.
At Christmas time, she decided to share her joy with millions of followers. Those holidays are the most beautiful time of the year, to feel happy and to spend an unforgettable time with the family.

This year, like every year, everyone shared on social media photos from vacations, festive settings, dinners with family, or parties with friends. In the photo gallery of the end of the year holidays, there is no way to miss the holidays of famous people from different parts of the world. They have shared photos from their vacations and beautiful moments with the people they love.

One of the most beautiful news at this end of the year was Swank’s pregnancy. She informed her fans in October that she was expecting a baby. Swank was very happy and her eyes were shining when she shared the news with the whole world. She shared some photos on social media in red Christmas pajamas and posed next to the tree.
In this post, she wanted to express her love for her children who will be born, but also to wish everyone Happy Holidays. She did not have a difficult time before receiving the news of pregnancy. The actress has affirmed that she has always dreamed of being a mother, and has been waiting for the most suitable moment to take on this responsibility.

She said that she feels very good with her husband and they are happy. They are ready to be parents of two babies.