Another news that is circulating these days about the Royal Family in the UK makes attention to Kate Middleton, Princess of Wells. She is married to Prince William and starts their lives in the UK. The princess has had a good relationship with the queen and she has quickly learned to adapt to royal rules. In the future, she may also be the wife of the future king of Great Britain.

According to some sources, her relationship with the queen was not as good as it could seem. Some non-compliance made them often stuck in their relationship. But years later, after Kate learned more, their relationship improved. Another factor that may have influenced the improvement of this relationship may be the relocation of the couple to Kensington Palace.

Kate Middleton has made many changes and improvements in her behavior in the kingdom.
This is evident and to be congratulated. The queen had a lot of confidence in her development. She also gave Kate the “Order of the Royal Family” given only to blood relatives. Prince William and Kate fit very well with each other. They have an excellent relationship and are understood in most situations.

They participated in the greetings before the ceremony, where they also greet the lovers and supporters of the royal family. This was welcomed with applause and much love. But during this period one of the images that were most commented on was Kate Middleton.

She was wearing a black dress and small jewelry. She was widely described as “old”. Kate had chosen to make black hair and wear a stylish black dress. However, he did not think that this would get so much attention. According to commentators, she looked sad and old. There are also comments like those who determine her age, saying she looks like 60 years old.

But not everyone criticized her. Among them were people who believed that these comments were unnecessary. “Being a princess is not at all easy, as you have a lot of answers on your shoulder,” writes one commenter. During this period they lost their most expensive man. This made their duty more difficult.
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