
A Man Who Had Worked All His Life

In a small, quiet town, there lived a man who had amassed a substantial fortune throughout his lifetime. Just before his final breath, he turned to his devoted wife with a peculiar request.

He said, “When I pass away, I want you to take all my money and place it in the casket with me. I want to carry my wealth into the afterlife.” His plea was heartfelt, and he implored his wife to make this promise.

With tears in her eyes, his wife solemnly vowed to honor his wish. She held onto his request with unwavering dedication.

Sadly, the inevitable came to pass, and the man breathed his last. As he lay in the casket, dressed in his final resting clothes, his wife, dressed in mourning attire, sat beside him. A dear friend accompanied her for support during this trying time.

The funeral ceremony proceeded, and as the final moments approached, the wife halted the proceedings. She had brought a small box with her, and with great care, she placed it inside the casket. The undertakers closed and sealed the casket, preparing it for its journey to the afterlife.

Her friend, puzzled and curious, couldn’t contain her curiosity any longer and asked, “My dear friend, surely you didn’t put all that money in there with your husband, did you?” The loyal wife, with a serene and unwavering faith, replied, “I am a woman of faith, and I cannot break my promise. I assured him that I would place the money in there with him.”

With a sly smile, she continued, “But, you see, I kept my promise in a way that allows me to adhere to my faith. I gathered all the money, deposited it into my own account, and wrote a check. If he can find a way to cash it in the afterlife, well, then he can spend it as he pleases.”

A Farmer And His Wife Were Laying

An Instagram Designer From Fort Worth, TX, Passed Away