When bad things happen to us, we always must remember there are children who have nothing.
Dreamcatchers for Abused Children Organisation posted on Facebook a letter where a little boy wrote his dreams and left the world in tears.
Abused children are always taken from home and taken care of in a center where they get support, understanding, and love.
The little ones are looked for adoptive families to take care of them in order to have a great life away from abuse.

When bad things happen to us, we always must remember there are children who have nothing.
Dreamcatchers for Abused Children Organisation posted on Facebook a letter where a little boy wrote his dreams and left the world in tears.
Abused children are always taken from home and taken care of in a center where they get support, understanding, and love.
The little ones are looked for adoptive families to take care of them in order to have a great life away from abuse.
- I want food and water.
- Don’t hit on me.
- A house with running water and lights.
- I want love.
- Mom and dad don’t fight.
- I want no drugs.
- Don’t kill my pet.
- Help with the school.
- Clean and nice clothes
- No bugs in the house.
- Clean bed with covers.
- Clean house.
- Don’t sell my toys.
- Don’t get drunk.
- Treated fair.
- Tv in house.
- I want my school stuff.
- Nice shoes.
- My own comb.
- Heater coat.
- Toothbrush.