
Woman Who ‘Died And Was In Heaven For 3 Days’ Reveals a Chilling Vision of The Future

Julie Poole is a woman who has built a career as a spiritual guide, sharing her teachings and experiences with others. From a young age, Julie endured severe abuse—physical, mental, sexual, and emotional. This traumatic past deeply affected her life, yet it also strengthened her spiritual beliefs.

In her 20s, overwhelmed by her past and struggling with her mental health, Julie attempted suicide by overdosing on medication. During this near-death experience, she believes she was transported to a “spirit realm” that looked like heaven.

She recalls seeing her spiritual guides and angels who told her, “We did warn you it would be too hard and too overwhelming, and now here you are at 21 trying to check out.”

Julie spent three days in this otherworldly place before returning to her physical body on Earth. Even after coming back, she remembered the messages and visions she received while in the spirit realm.

The spirits told her that a significant change is coming for humanity, which they referred to as the “Golden Age.” According to Julie, this Golden Age is expected to occur between 2012 and 2032.

The Golden Age, as described by Julie, will be a period where longstanding systems of power, abuse, and control, which have been maintained by a few powerful individuals, will be dismantled. This era will bring about equality and justice, removing what is false, fake, and corrupt.

Julie believes this transition is necessary, not to bring about an apocalypse, but to expose and remove corrupt leaders and replace them with people who have pure intentions and a good heart.

Julie is convinced that this significant transformation is already happening. She sees it as a reckoning where those who have been in power and have acted corruptly will be exposed and removed from their positions. This change will usher in an age of fairness and truth, benefiting all of humanity.

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