
With Heavy Hearts, We Announce The Passing. When You Find Out Who She Is, You Will Definitely Cry

With heavy hearts, we announce the passing of Kyle Marisa, known online as the Blind Item Girl. Her family shared the sad news in an Instagram post. Kyle, who was 36 years old, became famous on TikTok by sharing celebrity news stories and always starting her videos with the phrase, “You want more? I will give you more.” She discussed anonymous rumors about famous people, known as blind items.

Kyle’s sister, Lynn, posted an old picture of Kyle with her dog, along with a heartfelt message. “Last week, my sister Kyle Marisa died. As a family, we are still processing and deciding how to properly celebrate and honor her life. I’m here to talk and share memories about Kyle if anyone wants to get in touch. I will also let you know about any memorials as they are planned.”

The cause of Kyle’s death is still unknown, though she had previously beaten colon cancer, a struggle she shared with her followers online. Lynn mentioned that the family is still waiting to learn more about what happened. “We don’t know what happened yet,” she said.

“I know that her sense of humor, intelligence, beauty, activism against gossip, athleticism, and other skills touched a lot of people. She had so many gifts. I’m really sorry for those who just found out about this loss. Any thoughts, prayers, blessings, or wishes for a peaceful death for this soul are welcome.”

Kyle’s mother, Jacquie Cohen Roth, echoed Lynn’s feelings and confusion. “Kyle lived and loved with all her heart. Right now, nothing makes sense, but we’ll learn more in the next few days. Please be nice to each other,” she wrote on LinkedIn.

Friends and followers expressed their sorrow in the comments. “This is so devastating as Kyle spent so much time with us on TikTok and became such a big part of our daily lives,” one person said. “Sincerest condolences this is a huge loss RIP Kyle you are truly loved.”

Another person wrote, “I literally would log on looking forward to hearing her TikTok’s every day. This breaks my heart, and I will pray for your family. Kyle, may you rest in peace.” A third added, “Kyle had a way of making everyone feel like they were her best friend. I’m so very sorry for your loss. We will all miss her.”

Many expressed how much Kyle meant to them, despite never meeting her in person. “Everyone who commented on Kyle’s videos felt like they had known each other for years. She was smart, funny, polite, and so much more. I’m so sorry for your loss,” said another follower.

Someone else shared, “I knew Kyle wasn’t real, but I felt like I knew her. I’m so sad and have been crying since TikTok came out with the news. I hope she didn’t suffer and that she knew how much she meant to us. She was a bright spot in my life, and I will miss her very much.”

The outpouring of grief and love from Kyle’s fans shows just how much she touched the lives of so many. She will be deeply missed by her family, friends, and the online community she brought together with her engaging and entertaining videos.

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