
They Say Men Don’t Listen To Women

A man asked his wife what she wanted for her 40th birthday. She thought for a moment and said, “I’d like to be six again.”

The husband nodded and made his plans. On the morning of her birthday, he woke her up bright and early, full of excitement. He had a big day planned for her. First, they went to a local amusement park. He wanted to give her a day full of fun and excitement, just like a six-year-old would have.

They rode every ride in the park. They went on the Death Slide, which was tall and fast. They tried the Scream Loop, which spun them around and around. They even braved the Wall of Horror, a ride designed to scare its riders.

They had a fantastic time, screaming and laughing through it all. But after five hours of non-stop rides, the husband felt dizzy and a bit sick. He stumbled out of the park, exhausted.

Next, he took her to McDonald’s. He ordered her a Happy Meal with extra fries and a chocolate shake, wanting her to have a kid-like experience. They sat down and enjoyed their meal together, reminiscing about the fun they had at the amusement park.

After their meal, they went to the movies to see the latest Disney film. The movie was full of adventure and excitement, perfect for making them feel like children again. They sat together, watching the colorful characters and thrilling scenes on the big screen.

Finally, after a long and tiring day, they returned home. The wife was completely worn out. She went straight to bed and collapsed onto it, feeling utterly exhausted but happy. Her husband, feeling proud of his efforts to make her birthday special, leaned over and asked her tenderly, “So, honey, what was it like to be six years old again?”

The wife looked up at him, tired but amused. She sighed and said, “You fool, I meant my dress size.”

The husband was stunned. He realized he had misunderstood her request. She hadn’t wanted to relive a day as a six-year-old child; she had hoped to fit into a size six dress again.

They both laughed, recognizing the funny misunderstanding. Despite the mix-up, it had been a day full of joy and laughter, one they would always remember.

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