
The Wife Checked Her Husband’s Phone And Found

A wife was feeling suspicious about her husband, so one day, she decided to check his phone. She went through his contact list and noticed three unusual names that caught her eye: “The Tender One,” “The Amazing One,” and “Lady of My Dreams.” Seeing these names made her very upset and worried. She thought her husband might be cheating on her.

To find out the truth, she decided to call the numbers saved under these names. First, she called “The Tender One.” The phone rang for a moment, and then, to her surprise, her husband’s mother answered. She felt a little relieved but still had doubts in her mind.

Next, she dialed the number saved as “The Amazing One.” This time, her husband’s sister picked up the phone. The wife started to feel a bit silly for jumping to conclusions, but there was still one more number to call.

Finally, with a trembling hand, she called “Lady of My Dreams.” As soon as she did, her own phone rang. It took her a moment to realize what was happening. Her husband had saved her number under this affectionate name. She felt a mix of emotions: relief, love, and guilt for doubting him.

Feeling terrible about her wrongful suspicions, she cried until her eyes were swollen. She realized how much her husband loved and valued her, shown by the sweet nickname he had given her in his phone. Wanting to make it up to him, she decided to give him her entire month’s salary as a gesture of apology and love.

Her husband accepted the money without much fuss. However, what the wife didn’t know was that her husband had been hiding a secret.

He took the money she gave him and used it to buy an expensive gift for his girlfriend. He had cleverly saved his girlfriend’s number under the name “Uncle Mike the Mechanic” to avoid suspicion.

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