
The Boy’s Weight Exceeded 815 lbs 6 Years Ago: What Does He Look Like After Weight Loss?

Casey King, from Georgia, USA, loved food since he was little. But it led to him being teased for being overweight in school. At first, he didn’t mind, but the teasing got to him over time.

By the end of high school, Casey weighed over 290 lbs because he couldn’t stop eating unhealthy food. He even got a job at a cafe, but he just ended up eating discounted leftovers every night.

By his early twenties, his weight went over 440 lbs, and he could barely move. He quit his job and stayed in his room for 15 years, playing video games and relying on his dad for food.

In 2018, Casey’s nephew Thomas was born, and he wanted to play with him. But Casey realized he couldn’t because of his weight. This made him want to change.

He started eating better and had surgery to help him lose weight. Then, he got invited to be on a weight loss TV show. With help from experts, he lost nearly 40 kilograms in three months through exercise and a healthy diet.

Now, at 39 years old, Casey weighs 240 lbs, with some extra skin left over. In six years, he lost over 580 lbs in total. Even though the TV show helped, it was Casey’s hard work and determination that made the difference.

Casey is now active, going on hikes and jogs. He loves spending time with his nephew Thomas, who inspired him to change his life.

What is this? Uncle had this since decades and never found out what it this?

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