
‘Relationship Expert’ Wants Parents To Get Baby’s Consent Before Changing A Nappy

A self-proclaimed relationship expert named Deanne Carson stirred up some controversy by suggesting that parents should ask for a baby’s permission before changing their diaper.

While consent is important in many situations, most parents found this idea quite surprising and impractical.

Carson, who appeared on ABC in 2018, believes in introducing the concept of consent at a young age, even with babies.

She acknowledges that babies can’t speak, but she suggests that they can communicate nonverbally, like through eye contact. She argues that asking for permission before changing a diaper helps establish a culture of consent in the home.

However, many parents feel that changing diapers is already a necessary but unpleasant task, and adding the step of asking for permission seems unnecessary.

They wonder how babies would even respond, especially since they can’t talk yet. Some reporters even questioned what parents should do if the baby says no.

While Carson’s idea has sparked debate, many parents feel that practicality and necessity outweigh the concept of asking for a baby’s consent for diaper changes.

While consent is important in many aspects of life, this particular suggestion seems a bit too far-fetched for most parents to embrace. What do you think about this? Share your thoughts in comments on Facebook.

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