Paroxysmal hand hematoma, also known as Achenbach’s syndrome, is a rare condition that causes sudden pain, swelling, and bruising in the fingers.
It primarily affects women over 50, with the middle and index fingers being the most common sites. Though alarming, it is harmless and resolves on its own without lasting damage.
Symptoms and Causes
The condition appears suddenly, often starting with a burning or itching sensation, followed by rapid bruising on the palm side of the fingers. Swelling, coldness, and limited movement may also occur.

The exact cause is unknown, but it may be linked to fragile blood vessels, minor trauma, or circulatory disorders like Raynaud’s syndrome. Some studies suggest associations with acrocyanosis, migraines, and gastrointestinal conditions.
Diagnosis and Case Study
Achenbach’s syndrome is diagnosed based on symptoms since medical tests—including blood work and imaging—usually show normal results.
One case involved a 60-year-old woman who experienced sudden pain and bruising in her thumb. Her symptoms resolved naturally within two weeks without any medical treatment.
Treatment and Outlook

No specific treatment is needed, as symptoms disappear within days. Patients can apply gentle pressure, elevate the hand, or use pain relievers if necessary.
In rare cases, doctors may prescribe vasodilators or blood thinners for frequent episodes.
Achenbach’s syndrome does not lead to serious health issues, but further research is needed to fully understand its cause.
Awareness of this condition can help prevent unnecessary medical tests and reassure patients that it is not dangerous.