
One Drink You Should Not Order At McDonald’s, According To Employee

If you love McDonald’s for its food and coffee, you might want to think twice about your next coffee order. An anonymous employee revealed some disturbing facts about the McCafe machines at McDonald’s. According to the employee, these machines are often neglected and become very dirty. In fact, the inside parts of these machines can have layers of filth, with up to 5 inches of uncleaned liquid.

Despite the management being informed about these issues, not much has been done to fix the problem. This neglect means the machines could pose health risks to customers. The new employees often do not receive proper training on how to clean and maintain these machines, which makes the situation worse.

Some McDonald’s locations do follow regular cleaning routines for their McCafe machines, but there are many inconsistencies across the chain. These inconsistent cleaning practices show the need for standardized protocols to ensure the well-being of customers.

The post where the employee shared these issues received many comments from other McDonald’s workers. Most of them confirmed the dirty conditions of the McCafe machines and added more concerns. For example, one person mentioned that the milkshake machine is not cleaned every day and the fountain drink dispenser is rarely cleaned properly.

In response, McDonald’s states on their website that they have strict food safety standards and protocols. These standards cover everything from food sourcing, menu development, and packaging to the operation of their restaurants. McDonald’s claims they are also using technology and working with suppliers and experts to improve efficiency and reduce risks.

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