
My Mom Asked Me To Stay Away For 3 Months Because of ‘Renovations’ — When I Showed Up Unannounced, I Uncovered The Heartbreaking Secret She Was Keeping

Mia and her mother had always shared a close bond. They were not just mother and daughter, but best friends.

They confided in one another, shared joys, and supported each other through tough times. Mia could always count on her mom, and they had always been transparent about everything happening in their lives.

One day, Mia’s mother called her with a casual request. She explained that she would be renovating the house for the next few months and asked Mia not to visit during that time. This wasn’t unusual, as her mother loved redecorating her home and frequently made small changes. Mia accepted this without much thought and agreed to stay away for a while.

As the weeks passed, Mia noticed that her mother’s phone calls became less frequent. When they did talk, her mom seemed distant, a bit unlike herself. Mia felt a growing concern that something was wrong, but she brushed it off. She was caught up with her work and trying to earn a promotion, so she assumed her mom was just tired from all the renovations.

However, the nagging feeling that something wasn’t right kept bothering Mia. One day, she couldn’t shake off the worry any longer, so she decided to drop by her mother’s house unannounced. As she drove to the familiar place, she wondered if she was overreacting.

When she arrived, Mia immediately sensed that something was wrong. The garden, usually filled with well-kept flowers, was overgrown and unkempt. Her mom loved gardening and would never let the yard look this neglected. Mia’s heart sank. What if her mom was in trouble?

She rushed to the front door, noticing that it was unlocked, which was very unlike her cautious mother. Stepping inside, Mia was surprised to find no sign of renovations. The house was clean, with no construction work going on. She called out for her mom, but there was no response.

Worried, Mia hurried upstairs to her mother’s bedroom. There, she found her mom lying in bed, looking frail and weak. Mia barely recognized her. Her mom’s once lively face was pale, her cheeks no longer rosy, and her beautiful long hair was gone. Her lips were dry and cracked, and she seemed too weak to move.

Mia’s heart broke at the sight. She rushed to her mother’s side, asking in shock, “Mom, what’s wrong?”

Her mother, with great difficulty, whispered, “Oh, honey. I didn’t want you to find out this way.” She revealed that she had been battling cancer and undergoing chemotherapy for the past few months. She hadn’t told Mia because she didn’t want her daughter to worry or be distracted from her career.

“I thought I could handle it on my own,” her mom said tearfully. “I didn’t want you to see me like this. I was always your rock.”

Mia broke down in tears, feeling devastated. She felt an overwhelming sense of guilt for not visiting sooner when she first suspected something was wrong. She embraced her mother tightly, telling her how much she loved her and how important she was to her life. Mia reassured her mom that she was there now, and she wasn’t going anywhere.

But as Mia held her mother close, her mom quietly passed away in her arms. The moment was filled with heartbreak as Mia realized her mom was gone. She stayed by her side, crying and holding onto the last bit of warmth left in their final hug, feeling the unbearable weight of loss.

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