Ed and Heidi Savitt’s love story is an extraordinary tale of fate, chance, and a long-forgotten childhood memory.
The couple first met in 2011 when they were both students at Newcastle University in the UK. Ed had moved into a house that Heidi had previously lived in, and he needed help figuring out how to use the dryer. He texted Heidi for assistance, and that message led to them staying in touch. Soon, they became inseparable, eventually marrying at the age of 26.

However, their connection went much deeper than they realized at first. It was Heidi’s mom, Kay Parker, who began to feel like something was oddly familiar about Ed when she first met him.
Kay couldn’t quite put her finger on it, but she felt as though she had seen him before. The feeling stuck with her, and she couldn’t shake the sense that there was something she was missing.
At a dinner party with both families present, Kay mentioned a family vacation to Turkey that they had taken years earlier when Heidi was just six years old.

During that trip, Heidi had a childhood “boyfriend” named Ed. The two children had played together the entire vacation, holding hands and enjoying each other’s company. When Kay shared this story, Ed’s mother, Fiona, found it amusing but didn’t think much of the coincidence.
Kay, on the other hand, couldn’t let it go. She felt that this was more than just a coincidence. After the dinner party, she went home determined to find out if there was a deeper connection.
She searched through old family photos in the attic, looking for pictures from the Turkey trip. Eventually, she found a photograph of young Heidi with her vacation “boyfriend.”

To her amazement, the little boy in the photo was none other than Ed, with his distinctive features still recognizable, even with a bowl haircut.
Kay showed the photo to Heidi, who was shocked to realize that she and Ed had met as children, long before their university days. She had completely forgotten about her childhood holiday romance. When Ed’s mother saw the photo, she also confirmed that the boy was indeed her son.
Heidi was overwhelmed by the discovery, calling it “unreal.” She never believed in fate before, but this revelation changed her mind. She now believes that their childhood connection somehow led them back to each other later in life, even though neither of them remembered it at first.

For both Heidi and her mom, it seemed that something deep inside had drawn them together again. They now see their love story as a magical example of fate at work, bringing them back to each other after more than 20 years.