
Mom Causes Heated Debate By Putting Young Daughter On Leash At Grocery Store

Parents often engage in online disputes over various topics, but there are certain issues that tend to be particularly divisive. One such issue is the practice of using a leash to keep children safe while out in public. This topic has generated countless arguments among parents, with some viewing it as a form of child abuse, while others see it as a practical safety measure.

Recently, the debate over leashing children resurfaced when Alexis Solis, a stay-at-home mom from Los Banos, California, shared images of herself using a leash on her child during a trip to the grocery store. A former behavioral analysis therapist, Solis has a strong online presence where she advocates for child safety.

In a video posted on her TikTok, she can be seen attaching a leash to her young daughter’s hand, explaining that she’s committed to protecting her children in an uncertain world. The video quickly went viral, amassing over 12 million views and sparking a heated debate in the comments section.

While some viewers criticized Solis for using a leash on her child, others supported her decision. One commenter even wrote, “I’m okay looking like a crazy mom. As long as my babies are safe.”

In a follow-up video, Solis explained that using a leash is particularly beneficial for children who tend to run away or wander off. Drawing from her experience as an ABA therapist who worked with children on the autism spectrum, she emphasized that elopement, where a child runs away from a parent or their surroundings, can be traumatic for both the child and the parent. She believes that having a device like a leash can make life safer and less stressful for families dealing with elopement.

The controversy over using leashes for children highlights the ongoing debate between parents who believe in using them for safety reasons and those who find the practice uncomfortable or unnecessary. Ultimately, the decision to use a child leash is a personal one that each family must make based on their own circumstances and concerns.

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