This is the extraordinary story of Saundra who has captured a strange sight that no one can believe. Saundra lost her little girl who was only 2 years old. She was very sad about the death of her daughter. Her world was shattered instantly. She had many dreams for her little one. But her life changed once and for all. A child is a parent’s greatest asset. She captured the spirit of her daughter playing at her own grave.

Parents want to raise their children and take care of them in the future. No parent wants to live after their child dies. For parents, life has no meaning without children. They live their whole lives with a wound in their heart that never closes.
Saundra could not accept the death of her daughter. She buried the 2-year-old girl and placed her favorite dolls on her grave.
Something extraordinary happened.

Another family who buried their son in Mosaic, Las Cruces, had a security camera installed near their son’s grave. But something unusual was recorded on camera. The camera filmed a small child playing with the 2-year-old girl’s toys. At first, the boy’s family could not believe their eyes. But later this happened again. So they decide to share these images with the young woman.

The mother of the 2-year-old says that the boy’s mother had informed her that there was something beautiful for her. “I didn’t think something like this would happen. The boy’s mother told me that she had something beautiful to show me. I saw the photos. I’m sure it was Faviola”.
She is convinced that her daughter is in heaven and would meet her one day. The mother shared this story in the media. She was very happy to join her daughter’s soul. She knew that her daughter was alive. Saundra felt happy and lucky.

What do you think about this mother who captured the spirit of her daughter playing? Share your thoughts in the comments on Facebook.