Jase and Missy Robertson have spoken a few weeks ago about the health condition of their daughter Mia. But recently something painful has made their daughter sad. Dr. David Genecov took care of Mia’s health many years ago and this Saturday the news was given that unfortunately, she has passed away in a car accident.

Her parents shared this news. Their daughter is going through a difficult period because the doctor had a important impact on her life. Dr. David Genecov was a talented and very loving man. He cared for all his patients and Mia loved her doctor very much. Although it has affected Mia’s emotional state, her mother says that the whole family is trying to cope with this situation together.
“We are becoming stronger than we can imagine. These difficult moments are teaching us once again that there is nothing more important than life.” The doctor has taken care of Mia’s health since she was little. He was one of the people who convinced Mia to do surgery at 14. “We will miss him a lot. He was a loving man and talented in his work. Dr. David Genecov did his work with passion and we don’t think we would ever be so close to him.”

“We are grateful for his care of our daughter. Today she is many times better than she was and the doctor greatly influenced her improvement. The doctor was part of our life for many years. Now it will be very difficult for us, but more so for Mia to remember the years before Dr. David Genecov.” says her mother.