Victoria Quezada, from Sacramento, California, had a surgery to make her face thinner. It’s called jaw-sculpting surgery. But something went wrong. She got second-degree burns from the surgery. These burns are really bad, and she might have them forever. They’re so bad that she can’t even talk properly now.
Before the surgery, she tried something called CoolSculpting. It’s supposed to freeze fat cells to make you look thinner. Victoria thought it would be a good idea to try it. But after the surgery, she’s scarred for life.

In a video on TikTok, Victoria shows what happened to her. She says she used to have a normal jawline, but she wanted it to look more defined. So, she tried the surgery. But now, her face is all swollen and burnt. She even had to go to the emergency room twice.
Victoria is really upset about what happened to her. She’s thinking about suing the clinic where she got the surgery. Many people who saw her video felt sorry for her.
Some said she should definitely take legal action. One person, who knows about these things, said the surgery was done wrong. Another person, who’s an expert in CoolSculpting, thinks the clinic forgot to do something important, which caused Victoria’s skin to get burned.

Victoria is asking for help because it’s really hard for her to see herself like this. She wants people to know what happened to her so it doesn’t happen to anyone else.