
Husband Asks for Separation but Demands His Wife Move across the Country with Him – She Reveals His Secret

A woman shared her story online about her marriage taking an unexpected and difficult turn after 13 years. She posted about her husband’s sudden frustrations with his job and his plans to apply for a position across the country. However, what shocked her the most was his sudden demand for a separation and his harsh words about how terrible she was.

She found this outburst extreme and unfounded, given their history of ups and downs. Things became even more confusing when she discovered her husband’s extensive communication with an old friend who had recently divorced. This friend was helping him secure the new job, and their interaction was intense, with over 500 texts exchanged daily, totaling around 24,000 messages in just one month.

The online community responded overwhelmingly, deeming her “NTA” (Not The As*hole) for her actions and decisions amid her husband’s betrayal. Many people rallied around her, offering support and insights into her situation.

Her husband expected the whole family, including their two young children and his mother, to move across the country with him. This was a difficult decision for her, as she had already made significant sacrifices in the past, relocating for his graduate school and current job. She couldn’t imagine uprooting their lives, moving away from the kids’ school and friends, as well as her own work and social circle.

The situation worsened when her husband traveled to the potential job location for what was supposed to be a one-day interview but turned into a four-day trip. During this time, she found evidence suggesting he was planning to engage in a physical relationship with his old friend. When confronted, he defensively admitted that he had been unhappy for 15 years.

This revelation left her questioning whether she was at fault for considering divorce and pursuing physical custody of their children to remain in-state. Her husband insisted that the children needed their father around, citing his own experience of growing up without a father figure.

The online community supported her, with many comments encouraging her to stand her ground. One commenter noted that her husband was likely upset because she had figured out his plan and got herself a lawyer. Another pointed out that he didn’t have the right to upend everyone’s lives just because he was having an affair and didn’t want to be inconvenienced.

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