
Hotel Expert Warns Why You Should Never Trust Complimentary Bottles of Shampoo And Shower Gel

When embarking on a journey, hotels often serve as a comforting home away from home, with the expectation of cleanliness and perfection. The complimentary shampoo and shower gel bottles provided by hotels are typically seen as a delightful bonus. However, a TikTok trend is cautioning travelers against using these seemingly innocuous amenities.

In a video posted by the ‘Travelling Hotel Manager,’ she sternly advises her audience to steer clear of the complimentary bottles, citing a potential threat that she deems highly malicious and dangerous. In the video, she introduces herself before entering a hotel bathroom, where she prominently displays three full-sized bottles of body wash, conditioner, and shampoo. With a serious tone, she warns viewers against using these items due to a startling revelation.

The TikTok influencer demonstrates how easily the pump lids of these bottles can be unscrewed, emphasizing that previous guests could refill them with harmful substances such as bleach or hair color. Urging viewers not to take the risk, she suggests bringing their own toiletries or, at the very least, calling the hotel reception for a new set.

Many viewers express gratitude for the advice, with some sharing personal experiences of skin reactions after using hotel-provided products. However, a counterargument arises from those who believe that most hotels utilize secure, dispensable bottles that are replaced after each guest.

Interestingly, the controversy over hotel hygiene extends beyond the caution about complimentary toiletries. A 2017 investigation by Inside Edition found questionable sanitation practices in hotels, specifically in terms of bathroom cleanliness. The reporters marked the toilet rim and shower floor with easily washable stains visible only under UV light. Shockingly, they discovered these markings still present when returning to the same room the following day, raising concerns about the standard level of hygiene in hotels.

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