
He Forgot His Wife’s Wedding Anniversary

Bob found himself in a tough spot when he forgot his wedding anniversary. His wife was furious and gave him a stern ultimatum: she wanted a gift in the driveway the next morning, and it had to be a car that could go from 0 to 200 in 6 seconds.

Feeling the pressure, Bob woke up early the next day and went to work. Meanwhile, his wife woke up and looked out the window, only to see a gift-wrapped box sitting in the driveway. Confused but intrigued, she hurried outside, grabbed the box, and brought it inside.

With anticipation, she tore off the wrapping paper and opened the box, only to find a brand-new bathroom scale inside. Bob was nowhere to be found since Friday.

It seems like Bob’s attempt at making up for forgetting their anniversary fell flat. His choice of gift was not only unexpected but also entirely missed the mark. Now, his wife is left feeling disappointed and probably even more upset with Bob’s absence.

Forgetting important dates like anniversaries can have consequences, as Bob learned the hard way. It’s essential to remember and acknowledge special occasions to show appreciation and love for our partners.

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