
Eyelid Bump Treatment

If you have a bump on your eyelid, it might be a stye or a chalazion.

These usually go away on their own in a few weeks, but you can do some things to help them heal faster:

  • Never poke, squeeze, or try to pop the bump. This can make the problem worse.
  • Place a warm, damp cloth on your eye several times a day. This helps to soften the bump and can help it drain.
  • Gently massage the swollen area to help clear the clogged gland. Be gentle to avoid causing more irritation.
  • Once the bump starts to drain, keep the area clean and avoid touching your eyes.
  • Avoid wearing eye makeup or contact lenses until the bump heals. Contacts can carry bacteria that might have caused the infection.
  • Clean and disinfect your lenses and any accessories before using them again.

Milia, which are small white bumps, also tend to go away on their own. You shouldn’t try to pop or remove them. Instead, use exfoliating treatments like salicylic acid to help get rid of dead skin cells.

If you have xanthelasma, which are yellowish patches, your doctor should check your cholesterol levels. They may suggest dietary changes and possibly a medication like a statin to help manage your cholesterol. Xanthelasma doesn’t go away on its own, but your doctor can remove it by freezing, cutting, or using a laser or a chemical treatment.

When to See Your Doctor

  • If you have a large, painful stye or chalazion that doesn’t go away, see an eye doctor. They might prescribe antibiotics to help clear the infection.
  • In severe cases, your doctor can drain the bump and may give you antibiotics or a steroid injection to help it heal.
  • If the bump is an unusual color or changes color or shape, see your doctor right away.
  • If you have a lot of milia or are concerned about their appearance, your doctor can remove them.
  • If your baby has milia that don’t go away within three months, talk to your pediatrician.

By following these steps and knowing when to seek medical help, you can manage eyelid bumps effectively and safely.

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