
Couple Celebrates Their First Valentine’s Day in Restaurant – Man Returns Home Disgusted

A young woman eagerly anticipated her first Valentine’s Day with her boyfriend, whom she cherished for his intelligence, humor, and attentiveness. Despite their income gap, she joyfully planned a romantic dinner, even gifting him an Apple Watch he desired. Excited, she reserved their favorite steakhouse and prepared a heart-shaped cake for dessert.

The woman, slim and tall, struggled to maintain her weight but looked forward to indulging during the dinner. She ordered generously while her boyfriend, also slender, opted for a modest meal. As she enjoyed her food, she noticed his discomfort but couldn’t discern the cause.

Upon returning home, he declined to join her for cake, citing fatigue. Disheartened, she tried to kiss him goodbye, but he rebuffed her advances. The next day, he confessed via text that her eating habits embarrassed him and led him to reconsider their relationship. Devastated and confused, she sought advice from Reddit users.

Commenters reassured her that her eating habits were not grounds for a breakup. They advised her to reclaim the Apple Watch and move on, highlighting his callousness in ending the relationship on Valentine’s Day. Despite her anguish, she found solace in the support of online strangers and began to navigate life without him.

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