
Christina Applegate Reveals She Has 30 Lesions on Her Brain: ‘The Worst Thing That’s Ever Happened to Me’

Christina Applegate has been bravely sharing her struggle with multiple sclerosis (MS) since revealing her diagnosis in 2021. In a recent podcast with Dax Shepard, she opened up about the pain she faces daily due to the disease.

Applegate disclosed that she now has 30 lesions on her brain, with the largest one behind her right eye, causing excruciating pain. Despite the challenges, she finds strength in her 13-year-old daughter, whom she calls her reason for getting up each morning.

Unfortunately, the pain isn’t the only symptom Applegate deals with; she also experiences strange sensations in her hand and sometimes feels seizure-like episodes in her brain. Unlike some illnesses with clear endpoints, MS is a lifelong condition with no cure.

Applegate describes it as a progressive disease, likening it to a permanent tattoo she didn’t choose.

Despite the difficulties, Applegate is determined to be more open about her experience with MS, regretting her decision to keep her battle with breast cancer private in 2008.

She acknowledges the toll MS has taken on her career, admitting that while she didn’t want to stop acting, the past year has given her a chance to rest, something she hadn’t been able to do in her decades-long career.

Reflecting on her situation, Applegate expresses a desire for more agency, stating that if given the choice, she would trade MS to continue working. She humorously remarks on the irony of her situation, feeling as though the universe is against her.

Despite the challenges ahead, Applegate’s resilience and openness about her struggles serve as an inspiration to many facing similar battles.

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