
Barbra Streisand: A Powerful Voice for Democracy

At 81 years old, Barbra Streisand, the famous singer and actor, remains a strong voice for democracy. Known for her talent and her outspoken nature, Streisand is once again making headlines for her political views. She has been vocal about her dislike for former president Donald Trump and has made it clear that she won’t stay in the U.S. if he wins the presidency again in 2024.

Streisand has long supported the Democratic party and hasn’t hesitated to criticize Trump. She has called him “stupid,” “ill-informed,” and even referred to him as “the Liar in Chief” and “the Groper in Chief.” In a recent interview with Stephen Colbert, Streisand emphatically stated, “I can’t live in this country if he becomes president.”

This isn’t the first time she has made such a statement. After Trump won the 2016 election, Streisand, like many other celebrities, said she would leave the country. She expressed her frustration by saying, “America was great – before you were elected.”

Streisand’s discontent with Trump inspired her to release her 36th album, “Walls,” in 2018. This album, which features the powerful track “Don’t Lie to Me,” is a direct response to Trump’s presidency. Streisand felt overwhelmed by the constant news and what she saw as lies, and she used her music to voice her outrage. She believes that the country deserves honesty and stands firmly against deception.

In her memoir, “My Name is Barbra,” Streisand discusses the important role of artists in society. She believes that artists act as the conscience of a nation, pushing people to face uncomfortable truths. Streisand asserts, “That’s why art is the enemy of tyrants and dictators.”

Despite her efforts, Trump was elected in 2016. Celebrities, including Streisand, faced a tough choice: leave the country or stay and fight for change. Some made jokes about leaving for other places, but many, like Chelsea Handler, realized that their voices were needed more than ever in a divided nation.

With the election of President Joe Biden, Streisand found a sense of hope. She admires Biden’s compassion, honesty, and integrity, and believes the country is moving in a positive direction. However, she remains concerned about the future elections and the possibility of Trump’s return. Streisand is adamant that she does not want to live in a country led by someone she considers “stupid” and “ill-informed.”

Ultimately, Streisand envisions a better America, one that values truth and is free from pollution, insults, and revenge. She calls for a return to nobility and integrity, believing that only then can America truly be great again.

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