
A Confidant of The Actor Has Disclosed That Bruce Is Now Experiencing More Problems

Bruce Willis, the well-known actor, is facing a difficult health challenge. Earlier this year, his family shared that he has aphasia, a condition affecting language skills.

Now, there’s more sad news: Bruce is experiencing a decline in his ability to communicate verbally due to dementia.

Bruce decided to step away from acting because of his battle with dementia. Recent updates indicate that he is struggling with verbal communication and is described as “not totally verbal.”

In March 2023, Bruce’s family announced that his aphasia had progressed to frontotemporal dementia (FTD), which affects brain functions.

Glenn Gordon Caron, creator of the sitcom “Moonlighting,” recently visited Bruce and noticed a significant change.

Bruce used to be an avid reader, but now he can’t enjoy books like he used to.Despite these challenges, Bruce’s loved ones are standing by him.

Caron mentioned that Bruce still recognizes familiar faces, showing a connection to his past, but his joy for life has changed. He’s no longer as verbal and can’t read like before.

Bruce is cared for by his wife, Emma Heming Willis, and receives love from his extended family, including his ex-wife Demi Moore and their daughters.

Tallulah Willis, Bruce’s youngest daughter, shared that although his dementia is aggressive, he still shows love and enjoys moments together, especially with music.

Bruce’s family continues to support him through this journey, finding comfort in the love and connections they share with him.

Despite the challenges, they cherish the time they have with Bruce, embracing special moments filled with music and love.

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