
My Wedding Planner Said I Canceled My Own Wedding, But I Didn’t—The Truth Left Me Speechless

Chelsea was all set to marry Rasmus, the man she thought was perfect for her.

They had met in a bakery, and their relationship blossomed from there. From the moment they exchanged numbers over bread, Chelsea felt that Rasmus was the one. Two years later, they were waking up on what was supposed to be their wedding day, and Chelsea couldn’t be more excited.

That morning, Chelsea eagerly prepared for the big day, alongside her sister Jess, who was her maid of honor. As they got ready, Jess asked where their mother was.

Chelsea explained that her parents weren’t getting along well with Rasmus and would meet them later at the venue. Despite her parents’ reservations about Rasmus, they respected her decision to marry him, although her father often expressed that something seemed “off” about him.

As the time came to head to the wedding venue, Chelsea and Jess were full of excitement. But when they arrived, the place was empty. There were no guests, no decorations, and no sign of Rasmus. Panic set in. Chelsea called Brenda, her wedding planner, hoping to understand what had gone wrong.

To Chelsea’s shock, Brenda calmly told her that the wedding had been canceled three days earlier through an email. Chelsea was stunned—she hadn’t canceled her wedding.

She quickly checked her emails, and sure enough, there was a message from her own corporate email account saying the wedding was off. But Chelsea hadn’t sent it, and she knew her parents wouldn’t do something so drastic, even if they didn’t approve of Rasmus.

Realizing that Rasmus had access to her email accounts, Chelsea hurried home to confront him. When she walked into their apartment, she found Rasmus lounging on the couch in sweatpants, clearly not dressed for a wedding. Without hesitation, she asked him if he had canceled the wedding.

Rasmus didn’t deny it. He admitted that he wasn’t ready for marriage and had panicked. Instead of talking to Chelsea about his feelings, he canceled the wedding behind her back. He thought that by doing so, he could avoid confrontation, hoping the situation would resolve itself without him having to confess.

As Chelsea stood there, processing the betrayal, she realized her parents had been right all along—Rasmus wasn’t the person for her. While it hurt, she was relieved that he had called off the wedding before it was too late.

Now, with her wedding gown in front of her, Chelsea had to figure out what her next steps would be, but she knew one thing for sure: she deserved better than Rasmus.

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