
My 22-Year-Old Son Threatens to Leave the House and Go Live With My Ex-Husband Unless I Buy Him a Car

The story revolves around a difficult situation between a mother and her 22-year-old son, Michael, who recently turned 22.

She believed that they had moved past the challenges of the teenage years, but a new problem had begun to surface. One day, while she was preparing lunch, Michael came to her with a serious request—he wanted a car.

Michael had been working part-time and saving up for a car, but he grew impatient, feeling like it was taking too long. He expressed his frustration, saying all his friends had cars, and he wanted his independence too.

His mother, however, was firm. She reminded him that cars are expensive and that he could continue saving until he had enough. This response didn’t satisfy Michael, and he became more insistent.

In the heat of the moment, Michael threatened to move in with his father, David, saying that his dad would buy him a car. The mother was hurt by this statement.

She knew that David, her ex-husband, often tried to win Michael’s favor by spoiling him with material things, rather than teaching him responsibility. Despite feeling hurt, she kept calm and explained that making such a threat wasn’t a responsible way to handle the situation.

Michael’s response was defiant. He claimed that his father would understand and be happy to give him what he wanted. His mother tried to make him see that having a car also came with other responsibilities, like paying for insurance and maintenance, but Michael dismissed her concerns. The conversation ended, but the tension between them remained.

In the following days, Michael gave his mother the silent treatment. Each attempt to revisit the discussion about the car led to more arguments, and their relationship became strained.

One evening, the mother tried again to talk about the situation, hoping to reach some kind of understanding. However, Michael felt like she would never understand his frustration, and the conversation once again ended on a sour note.

Weeks passed, and the tension only grew. Michael became more distant, spending more time away from home or isolated in his room.

Then, one Saturday morning, the mother found a note on the kitchen counter. Michael had decided to go stay with his father. He wrote that he couldn’t stand living at home anymore and believed that his dad would understand him better.

The mother’s heart sank as she read the note. She immediately tried to call Michael, but he didn’t answer. She felt a sense of panic and guilt, wondering if she had been too harsh or if she had somehow failed as a parent.

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