
Please Pray For My Family We Desperately Need Strength

Ben Baker, a politician from Missouri, recently faced an unimaginable tragedy. His daughter Natalie and her husband Davy, who were missionaries in Haiti, were killed by gangs. This heartbreaking news has left Ben and his family devastated.

Natalie and Davy were living in Haiti as full-time missionaries, dedicated to helping the local community. Ben shared the tragic news on Facebook, expressing his deep sorrow and asking for prayers. “My heart is broken in a thousand pieces,” he wrote. “This is the most pain I’ve ever felt.” He urged people to pray for his family and the Lloyd family, as they try to find strength during this difficult time.

The news of Natalie and Davy’s deaths spread quickly, and many people expressed their condolences and support on social media. One person wrote, “Oh Ben, my heart hurts for all of you. Words don’t exist.” Another said, “I will keep praying for all of you. Many kisses to all of you.” A friend added, “We are crying out your family’s name in prayer tonight.” Another simply said, “We are so very sorry.”

Haiti, particularly its capital Port-au-Prince, has been plagued by violent gang wars since 2020. The Haitian government and security forces have struggled to maintain control, with over 200 gangs reportedly controlling up to 90% of the city by last year. The constant violence has made daily life a fight for survival for many residents.

In March, gang members increased their attacks, demanding the resignation of acting Prime Minister Ariel Henry. This led to widespread violence across the capital, including the breaking into two prisons and the release of thousands of inmates, including a notorious gang leader. The escalation of violence pushed Haiti to the brink of collapse, with thousands of people being killed, raped, burned, or kidnapped.

As the situation worsened, the US military evacuated embassy staff, and many diplomatic missions left the capital, including US workers and the German ambassador. The Haitian government declared a state of emergency and imposed a curfew. Ariel Henry agreed to step down once a transitional government was established, which happened in April, as the country began its efforts to restore safety.

However, the notorious warlord Jimmy “Barbecue” Cherizier, a former police officer known for his brutality, continues to instill fear. As the leader of the G9 gang alliance, he has been terrorizing the poorest parts of Port-au-Prince, making the city a dangerous place to live.

In the midst of this chaos, Ben Baker’s family is mourning the loss of Natalie and Davy. The outpouring of support and prayers from their community offers some comfort, but the pain of their loss remains overwhelming.

Ben’s plea for strength and prayers is a reminder of the fragility of life and the need for compassion and support during the darkest times.

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