
Shock Study Warns: April’s Solar Eclipse Could Lead To Over 1,000 Car Crash Deaths

Scientists from the University of Toronto studied the 2017 solar eclipse and discovered a concerning trend. During that week, over 1,000 more people died in car crashes across the United States compared to usual. This spike in fatalities was linked to the increased traffic as millions of people traveled to areas where they could see the eclipse.

The eclipse attracted travelers to states like Maine, Kentucky, Idaho, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Texas. Texas was particularly popular due to its optimal viewing location, with an estimated 270,000 to one million visitors expected. This influx caused a surge in hotel bookings, with prices soaring in cities like Dallas, Waco, Cleveland, and Austin.

The study found that the risk of traffic accidents during the eclipse was similar to major holidays like Memorial Day or Thanksgiving. The eclipse itself caused a unique traffic pattern, with accidents spiking just before and after the event.

Dr. Donald Redelmeier, the lead researcher, emphasized concerns about the “surrounding hours” of the eclipse when people were traveling to and from their viewing spots. The researchers suspected that the increase in accidents was due to more people on the roads rather than changes in light.

The study also highlighted potential factors contributing to the crashes, such as speeding, distraction, unfamiliar roads, and impaired driving from alcohol or drugs. The analysis focused on fatal crashes, so less severe accidents were not fully accounted for.

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) issued a travel advisory due to the eclipse, warning of potential delays and reroutes at airports along the eclipse’s path, including Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport. Additionally, concerns arose about mobile coverage disruptions due to the large influx of spectators.

Local emergency management authorities also warned of spotty cellphone reception during the event, anticipating connectivity issues. T-Mobile assured the public that they were prepared to support cellphone use during the eclipse.

The study revealed a significant increase in fatal car crashes during the 2017 solar eclipse week, mainly attributed to heightened traffic. This finding underscores the importance of caution and preparedness for the upcoming eclipse to ensure public safety on the roads and in other travel-related activities.

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