
I Took My Grandchildren To Disney World, And My Daughter-In-Law Is Furious With Me

A grandmother took care of her grandchildren for a few days while her son and daughter-in-law went on vacation. Initially hesitant due to feeling manipulated, she eventually agreed to help out.

During her time with the kids, she was invited to a birthday party at Epcot and decided to take them along without consulting her son or daughter-in-law. To her, it seemed natural since she already had the kids with her and didn’t think much of it.

Upon their return, the daughter-in-law was furious to learn about the trip to Epcot. She accused the grandmother of being entitled for taking one of her children without permission, which upset the grandmother as she had previously provided babysitting when asked.

Despite her son’s request for an apology, the grandmother refused, feeling she hadn’t done anything wrong. She also felt hurt that her initial reluctance to babysit was ignored.

The son and daughter-in-law continued to express their disappointment, with the daughter-in-law feeling cheated out of their first Disney trip, despite it being just a visit to Epcot.

Now, the son believes that seeking advice from Reddit will help his mother see her mistake. However, the grandmother remains steadfast in her decision not to apologize, believing her feelings should also be considered, especially since her concerns were disregarded initially.

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