Once upon a time, a farmer found something extraordinary under one of his chickens – a giant egg. He couldn’t believe his eyes when he saw what came out of it.
Eggs are a great way to start the day, whether scrambled, poached, or sunny side up. They give us energy and taste delicious with cheese, tomatoes, and bacon.
Sometimes, eggs might have two yolks, which is rare but not unheard of. But this farmer from Texas had something even cooler – a double egg. That’s right, an egg within an egg!

Double-shelled eggs are extremely rare. They happen when an egg that’s almost ready to be laid changes direction and gets another layer of albumen covered by a second shell. It’s a fascinating process called a ‘counter-peristalsis contraction.’
In a YouTube video, an old Texas farmer marvels at the huge egg laid by a regular-sized chicken. He taps the egg, cracks it open, and discovers the surprise inside – a double egger!

With a chuckle, he carefully pours out the yolk until only the inner egg remains. “No double yolks, that’s for wimps. We got double eggs!” he exclaims.
Inside the big egg, there’s another egg of regular size. He cracks it open too, and it’s just a plain egg, like the ones we buy at the grocery store.

The video of the farmer’s discovery has been watched more than 3 million times since it was uploaded in July 2015. It’s a remarkable glimpse into the wonders of nature and the surprises it can hold, even in something as ordinary as an egg.