
17 Times People Were Super Confident, But Totally Wrong

Facial Recognition Ignorance:

Someone thought facial recognition was linked to government databases, but they were schooled on how driving licenses actually work.

Zeus’ Offspring:

A person confidently claimed Zeus had only one son, embarrassing themselves in front of a student of classical studies.

Frankenstein’s Bodybuilding:

One social media user misunderstood a post about Frankenstein, thinking it referred to the monster entering a bodybuilding contest.

Misattributed Quote:

A Facebook user incorrectly disputed a quote, not realizing it was actually said by Martin Luther King Jr. himself.

Theological Debate:

On Tumblr, a user argued about God’s intentions but was shut down with a Bible passage.

Misinformation Call-Out:

Travis Akers criticized Fox News for spreading misinformation without checking facts.

Gel Pen Disbelief:

A Reddit user went on a rant denying the existence of color-changing gel pens, unaware they were real.

Arithmetic Mistake:

A Facebook user criticized the education system but made a basic arithmetic error.

Fruit Confusion:

On Twitter, someone named a star-shaped fruit as a fruit named after a color, misunderstanding the question.

Misunderstanding Evolution:

A Facebook user incorrectly believed that dinosaurs and cavemen coexisted based on a misunderstanding of biblical teachings.

Cows’ Names:

A Twitter user wrongly assumed cows have female names due to misogyny, not because only female mammals produce milk.

Stephen King’s Spelling:

Someone criticized Stephen King for a spelling error that didn’t actually exist.

Spelling Misogyny:

A person spreading misogyny online misspelled “you are,” undermining their argument.

Age Calculation Blunder:

A Twitter user incorrectly calculated an 8-year-old as 18, demonstrating poor math skills.

Vaccine Misunderstanding:

Some were surprised by the COVID vaccine’s existence, assuming a flu vaccine didn’t exist either.

Tesla’s Inventor:

Confusion on Twitter about Tesla’s creator, mistaking Nikola Tesla’s era and contributions.

Overconfidence without solid knowledge often leads to embarrassing and humorous moments for those involved.

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